Blog Posts

Teal & Orange All Day

Pushing your color grade towards the complementary colors teal and orange is very popular right now – either with the shadows going teal and the highlights going orange or with the shadows and highlights going teal and the midtones going orange.  While the look is definitely trendy, it’s also a legitimately effective way to grade your footage, since it emphasizes the skin tones of your subject.  Here are some explanations and guides to the teal and orange look.

Very Complementary

Pushing your color grade towards the complementary colors teal and orange is very popular right now – either with the shadows going teal and the highlights going orange or with the shadows and highlights going teal and the midtones going orange.  While the look is definitely trendy, it’s also a legitimately effective way to grade your footage, since it emphasizes the skin tones of your subject.  Here are some explanations and guides to the teal and orange look.